The Ultimate Python interview questions: learn python the hard way

If you are preparing for a DevOps interview or for a Python developer, consider this guide as your friend to practice Python interview questions: learn python the hard way and answers and help you pass the exam or interview.

Without further delay, let’s get into this Ultimate Python interview questions and answers guide, where you will have 20 questions to practice.

Let’s get into it.

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Q1. What is difference between List and Tuple in Python?

Answer: Lists are mutable i.e they can be modified and Tuples are immutable. As you can see in the below code the list can be modified however Tuples are not modifable.

List = ["a","i",20]
Tuples = ("a","i",20)
List = ["a","i",20]
Tuples = ("a","i",20)
List[1] = 22
Tuples[1] = "n"

After running the above code, you will notice that the Lists can modify, but the Tuples are not.

Running Python code to modify list and tuple
Running Python code to modify list and tuple

Q2. What are key features of Python.

Answer: Python is interpreted language, that means it doesn’t required to be compiled. It can be used in various automation areas such as AI technologies, easier to understand and write language. The Latest version of Python is 3.10

Q3. Give Examples of some famous Python modules?

Answer: Some of the example of Python modules are os, json, sys, math, random, math

Q4. What are local and global variables in Python ?

Answer: Local Variables are declared inside the function and scope is inside function only however global variables are those variables whose scope is for entire program.

Q5. What are functions in Python ?

Answer: This is a block of code which is only executed when called. To declare the function you need use the below syntax def < function-name> and call it using <function-name> as shown below.

def function(n): 
     a, b = 0, 1
     while a > n:
Running Python function
Running Python function

Q6. What is __init__ ?

Answer: This is a method which automatically allocate memory when object or instance is created. All the Classes have __init__method.

Q7. What is the Lambda function in Python?

Answer: Lambda functions are also known as the anonymous function, which takes any number of parameters but is written in a single statement.

square = lambda num: num ** 2

Q8. What is self in Python?

Answer: self is an instance or object of a class. This is used with __init__ function and is explicitly included as first parameter.

Q9. How can you Randomize the list in Python ?

Answer: To randamize the list in Python consider importaning random module as showb below.

from random import shuffle
list = ["a" , "b" , "c" ,"d", "e"] 

Q10.What does *args and *Kargs mean ?

Answer: The *args are used when you are sure about the number of arguments that you will pass in a function. Similarly * Kargs are keyword arguments where you are not sure about number of argument but they are declared in the dictionary formats.

Q11. Does Python Supports OOPs concept?

Answer: Yes , Python does support OOPs concept by creating classes and objects . Backends determines where state is stored or loaded from. By default we have local backend but we can give remote backed such as S3

Q12. Name some Python Libraries ?

Answer: The Python libraries are collection of built-in modules (written in C) that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming. For example Pandas, Numpy etc.

Q13. What are various ways to import the modules in python?


import math 

import math as mathes ( Alias name ) 
from flask import Flask

Q14. What is Python Flask?

Answer: Python flask is a web framework which makes life of developer easy by reusing the code, extensions for operation to build a reliable, scalable and maintainable web apps. With Python flask web frameworks, you can create and build from static to dynamic applications and work with API requests.

There are different Python Web frameworks apart from Python flask such as TORNADO, PYRAMID and DJANGO .

Related POST: Python Flask Tutorial: All about Python flask

Q15. How can we open a file in Python?


with open("myfile.txt", "r") as newfile:

Q16. How can you see statistics of file located in directory?

Answer: To see the stats of file located in directory consider using os module.

import os

os.stat("file_name") # These stats include st_mode, the file type and permissions, and st_atime, the time the item was last accessed.

Q17. How do you define method and URL Bindings in Python Flask?


@app.route("/login", methods = ["POST"])

Related POST: Python Flask Tutorial: All about Python flask

Q18. How does Python Flask gets executed in Python ?


if __name__ ==  '__main__' = True)

Q19. Which built in function evaluates expression and return Boolean result ?

Answer: can function

Q20. How can you make Python Script executable in Unix ?

Answer: Below are the steps that you would need to make Python Script executable in unix.

  • Define the Path of Python interpretor
  • Next convert the script into executable by using below command.
chmod +x
  • Finally run the script

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In this ultimate guide, you had a chance to revise everything you needed to pass the interview with Python interview questions and answers.

Now that you have sound knowledge of Python and various components, modules, and features, and are ready for your upcoming interview.

Python Compilation and Working !!

Table of Content

  1. Understanding the difference between high level and low level language.
  2. Interpreted v/s Compiled Language
  3. Introduction to Python
  4. How Python Works ?
  5. Python Interpreter
  6. Python Standard Library
  7. Python Implementations
  8. Python Installation
    • Python Installation on Linux Machine
    • Python Installation on Windows Machine
    • Python Installation on MacOS
  9. Conclusion

Understanding the difference between High & Low-level Languages

High-Level Language: High-level language is easier to understand than is it is human readable. It is either compiled or interpreted. It consumes way more memory and is slow in execution. It is portable. It requires a compiler or interpreter for a translation.

The fastest translator that converts high level language is .

Low-Level Language: Low-level Languages are machine-friendly that is machines can read the code but not humans. It consumes less memory and is fast to execute. It cannot be ported. It requires an assembler for translation.

Interpreted v/s Compiled Language

Compiled Language: Compiled language is first compiled and then expressed in the instruction of the target machine that is machine code. For example – C, C++, C# , COBOL

Interpreted Language: An interpreter is a computer program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language, without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program and these kinds of languages are known as interpreter languages. For example JavaScript, Perl, Python, BASIC

Introduction to Python

Python is a high-level language, which is used in designing, deploying, and testing at lots of places. It is consistently ranked among today’s most popular programming languages. It is also dynamic and object-oriented language but also works on procedural styles as well, and runs on all major hardware platforms. Python is an interpreted language.

How does Python Works?

Bytecode, also termed p-code, is a form of instruction set designed for efficient execution by a software interpreter

  • First step is to write a Python program such as
  • Then using Python interpreter program is in built compiled and gets converted into byte code that is test.pyc.
  • Python saves byte code like this as a startup speed optimization. The next time you run your program, Python will load the .pyc files and skip the compilation step, as long as you haven’t changed your source code since the byte code was last saved.
  • Once your program has been compiled to byte code (or the byte code has been loaded from existing .pyc files), it is shipped off for execution to something generally known as the Python Virtual Machine
  • Now byte code that is test.pyc is further converted into machine code using virtual machine such as (10101010100010101010)
  • Finally Program is executed and output is displayed.
How Python runs? – Indian Pythonista

Python Interpreter

Python includes both interpreter and compiler which is implicitly invoked.

  • In case of Python version 2, the Python interpreter compiles the source file such as and keep it in same directory with an extension file.pyc
  • In case of Python version 3 : the Python interpreter compiles the source file such as and keep it in subdirectory __pycache__
  • Python does not save the compiled bytecode when you run the script directly; rather, Python recompiles the script each time you run it.
  • Python saves bytecode files only for modules you import however running Python command with -B flag avoids saving compiled bytecode to disk.
  • You can also directly execute Python script in the Unix operating system if you add shebang inside your script.
#! /usr/bin/env python

Python Standard Library

Python standard library contains several well-designed Python modules for convenient reuse like representing data, processing text, processing data, interacting with operating systems and filesystems, and web programming. Python modules are basically Python Programs like a file ( that are imported.

There are some extension modules that allows Python code to access functionalities supplied by underlying OS or other software’s components such as GUI, database and network, XML parsing. You can also wrap existing C/C++ libraries into python extension modules.

Python Implementations

Python is more than a language, you can utilize the implementation of Python in many ways such as :

  • CPython: CPython is an interpreter, compiler, set of built in and optional extension modules all coded in C language. Python code is converted into bytecode before interpreting it.
  • IronPython: Python implementation for the Microsoft-designed Common Language Runtime (CLR), most commonly known as .NET, which is now open source and ported to Linux and macOS
  • PyPy: PyPy is a fast and flexible implementation of Python, coded in a subset of Python itself, able to target several lower-level languages and virtual machines using advanced techniques such as type inferencing
  • Jython: Python implementation for any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) compliant with Java 7 or better. With Jython, you can use all Java libraries and framework and it supports only v2 as of now.
  • IPython: Enhances standard CPython to make it more powerful and convenient for interactive use. IPython extends the interpreter’s capabilities by allowing abbreviated function call syntax, using question mark to query an objects documentation etc.

Python Installation

Python Installation on Linux Machine

If you are working on the Latest platforms you will find Python already installed in the systems. At times Python is not installed but binaries are available in the system which you can install using RPM tool or using APT in Linux machines and for Windows use MSI( Microsoft Installer ) .

Ubuntu 16 server
Ubuntu 18 server

Python Installation on Windows Machine

Python can be installed in Windows with a few steps, and to install Python steps can be found here.

Python Installation on macOS

Python V2 comes installed on macOS but you should install the latest Python version always. The popular third-party macOS open-source package manager Homebrew offers, among many other packages, excellent versions of Python, both v2 and v3

  • To install Homebrew, open Terminal or your favorite OS X terminal emulator and run
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Add homebrew directory at the top of your PATH environment variable.
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
  • Now install Python3 using the following commands.
brew install python3
  • Verify the installation of Python using below command


In this tutorial, you learned a basic introduction to python, why it is interpreted, and high-level language. Also, you learned lots of details of python data types, keywords, and how python works. There were a handful of examples that you learned. Hope this tutorial will help you and if you like please share it.

How to Setup Python on Windows machine

You might be already aware of difference between low level and high level language. Buts lets quickly see what are main difference between the both. High level language such as c , c ++ and python are portable , human friendly, that is they are easier to debug and understand while writing the programs. They need either compiler or interpreter to run the programs.

On the other hand, Low level language such as machine language or assembly level language they are difficult to understand and are written in assembly language which are converted using assembler.

In case of Linux distributions Python programming language by default , but in windows it does not come with it. In this tutorial, we will learn what is python which is widely used in artificial intelligence, by astronauts, by developers for creating the apps. Learning and setting python on windows is a need of the hour. So lets get started with it.

Table of content

  1. What is Python?
  2. Prerequisites
  3. How to install Python on windows machine?
  4. A simple python code to start your day
  5. Conclusion

What is Python?

Python is a high level , oops based , interactive and a general purpose scripting programing language. Python is very easier to understand and readable. It focuses on object over functions. Python is also a interpreted language because it converts codes in machine level code even before it runs. It works on variety of protocols such as https, ftp , smtp and many more. The latest version is 3.9.2 which was released on December 2020. Python works very well with most of the such as atom, notepad ++ , vim.


  • Windows 7 + operating system with admin rights
  • Command Prompt which is already present in windows operating system

How to Install Python on windows machine?

  • Now run the executable installer which got downloaded.
  • Next step will prompt you to select whether to Disable path length limit , you ignore it or disable it.
  • Now python should be installed on your windows machine.

 Verify Python Was Installed On Windows

  • Now Navigate to command prompt and type python
  • Pip is basically python package manager which is used to fetch lots of other additional modules. Pip comes with most of pythons executable. To check if it is installed use
pip -V
  • To verify if python environmental variables was successfully added. Search for sysdm.cpl and click on edit environmental variables.

A simple python code to start your day

  • Create a simple file on your desktop
mystring = " This is Author of Automateinfra and its time to start learning python"
mylist   = [letter for letter in mystring] # This is function which iterates over each alphabet in mystring
print(mylist)       # This will print the result of mylist
  • Navigate to your desktop location on command prompt and use below command to run your first program in python
  • Great work ! python was installed successfully and we could run our first program of python quickly.


In this tutorial we covered basic difference between high level language and low level language. We also discussed what is python and how to install python on windows machine to get you started in organization scripting and automation work.

Hope this tutorial will helps you in understanding and setting up Python on Windows machine.

Please share with your friends.

Python Flask Tutorial: All about Python flask

If you are looking to create Python applications or programs that allow you to work with various API requests, nothing could be better than one of the most widely used web frameworks, Python flask.

With Python flask web frameworks, you can create and build from static to dynamic applications and work with API requests.

In this Python flask tutorial, you will learn everything you should know about Python flask, such as installing flask, flask render_template, etc.

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Table of Content

  1. What are Web Frameworks?
  2. What is Python Flask?
  3. What is WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)?
  4. Why do we need Virtual Environment for Python?
  5. Prerequisites
  6. Installing and Setting up Python Flask on your machine
  7. URL binding, URL redirection with flask url_for in Python Flask
  8. Rendering templates or html page using flask render_template
  9. Rendering templates and redirecting html page using flask render_template
  10. flask file upload: Easy Example
  11. Conclusion

What are Web Frameworks?

The web frameworks or web application frameworks are the software framework designed to support the development of web applications, including web services, web resources, and web APIs.

Some of the most popular web frameworks are React.js, Angular, Tornado, PYRAMID, DJANGO, and one of the best Python flask.

There is a difference between web frameworks and library. Library is a set of resuable functions that you call and in contrast frameworks contains code which aids in programming rather you calling it.

What is Python Flask

Python Web frameworks contain a collection of packages or modules that allow developers to write Web applications or services easily in Python code.

To run the application in the Python Flask framework, First, you need to import the Flask class. An instance of this class will be our WSGI application. While Python flask is lightweight and easy to use but Flask’s built-in server is not suitable for production as it doesn’t scale well.

Some of the options available for properly running Flask in production are Deploying Flask on Heroku, Deploying Flask on Google App Engine, Deploying Flask on Google Cloud Run, Deploying Flask on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Deploying on Azure (IIS),Deploying on PythonAnywhere etc.

What is WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)?

WSGI stands for “Web Server Gateway Interface,” which is used to forward requests from a web server (such as Apache or NGINX) to a backend Python web application or framework. Responses are then passed back to the webserver to reply to the requestor.

WSGI container is altogether a separate running process that runs on a different port than your web server, and your web server is configured to pass requests to the WSGI container which runs your web application, then pass the response (in the form of HTML) back to the requester on the browser.

A web server’s configuration specifies what requests should be passed to the WSGI server to process. Once a request is processed and generated by the WSGI server, the response is passed back through the web server and the browser.

WSGI working
WSGI working

Why do we need Virtual Environment for Python?

When we create projects for Python, you are dependent on several libraries and dependencies, so to work on a particular project with specific versions of libraries and packages, it is recommended and a better approach to have a separate virtual environment else applications with the same libraries and version it may be breaking the functionalities.


This post will be a step-by-step tutorial. If you’d like to follow along, ensure you have the following in place:

  • A windows 10 plus machine.
  • Python v3.6 or later – This tutorial will be using Python v3.9.2 on a Windows 10 machine. If you don’t have Python installed, install it from here.
  • A code editor – This tutorial will use Visual Studio (VS) Code.

Installing Python Virtual Enviornment and Python Flask on Windows

Now, you just learned about Python Flask that is it is a web framework for Python. Next, let’s kick off this tutorial by installing and setting Python Flask on your machine; our work with it uses some basic code and programs. Let’s begin!

  • Before you write your first python flask application make sure you have virtual environment installed and created on your system.

Python 3 comes with a virtual environment module called venv preinstalled so we will skip this step.

  • Now, install the virtual enviornment using the below command. They essentially allow you to create a “virtual” isolated Python installation and install packages into that virtual installation
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
  • Next, you need to use the venv module command to create a virtual environment. The name of the virtual enviornment is virt. This command will also create the directory with the same name(virt), a file inside it named pyvenv.cfg and a script folder containing Python binaries as shown below.

To create a virtual environment, go to your project’s directory and run venv. If you are using Python 2, replace venv with virtualenv in the below commands.

py -3 -m venv virt    # virt is the location to create the virtual environment
creating a virtual environment
creating a virtual environment
Generated pyvenv.cfg with virtual environment command
Generated pyvenv.cfg with virtual environment command
  • Before you can start installing or using packages in your virtual environment, you’ll need to activate it. Activating a virtual environment will put the virtual environment-specific python and pip executables into your shell’s PATH
activating the virtual enviornment
activating the virtual environment

To activate the virtual enviornment in ubuntu or Linux machine use (source virt/bin/activate) command.

  • Finally, install a Python flask on your machine by running the following command. After executing the command below, distributions and dependencies are installed automatically when installing Flask.
    • Werkzeug implements WSGI, the standard Python interface between applications and servers.
    • Jinja is a template language that renders the pages your application serves.
    • MarkupSafe comes with Jinja. It escapes untrusted input when rendering templates to avoid injection attacks.
pip install flask # Install Flask from pip
Installing Python flask
Installing Python flask

URL binding, URL redirection with flask url_for in Python Flask

Now that you have a Python flask installed on your machine and setup, it is not useful unless you use it. Eager to get started? This section gives a good introduction to flask application.

In the python flask program, let’s learn how to work with URL binding, URL redirection, and debug mode.

  • Open your favorite code editor such as visual studio, and create a folder named Flask and create a file inside it and copy-paste the below code.
    • app = Flask(__name__) : An instance or object of the class will be our WSGI application and acts as a central registry for the view functions, the URL rules, template configuration, and much more.__name__ is a convenient shortcut for this that is appropriate for most cases. This is needed so that Flask knows where to look for resources such as templates and static files.
    • app.route(rule, options)
      • The rule parameter represents URL binding with the function.
      • The options list parameters to be forwarded to the underlying Rule object.
    •, port, debug, options)
      • Host : (Default) (localhost). Set to ‘’ to have server available externally.
      • port: Defaults to 5000; you can set it to 5001, 5002, etc.
      • Debug Defaults to false. If set to true, it provides debug information.
      • options: To be forwarded to the underlying server.

from flask import Flask, url_for # Importing the class flask 
from markupsafe import escape

# Creating Flask class object/instance named app, The first argument is name of application’s module or package. It will also work with __name__
# app = Flask(__name__.split('.')[0])  #  This is a comment to show how to add a argument name  
app = Flask(__name__) 

# route() tell Flask what URL should trigger our function.
#  route() decorator to tell Flask what URL should trigger our function
def home():
    return "This is my First Flask Website but Actually, I own"
def login():
    return "This is my login page"
@app.route('/user/<username>') # Function receives <variable_name> as a keyword argument
def profile(username):
    return 'User %s' % escape(username)
def post_id(post_id):
    return 'Post %d' % post_id

# To build a URL to a specific function, use the url_for() function.
with app.test_request_context(): 
    print(url_for('profile', username = 'Automate Infra'))
    print(url_for('post_id', post_id = '100'))

if __name__ =='__main__':

  • Now execute the flask program by running the following command on the visual studio terminal.
Executing the flask python program
Executing the flask python program

To ignore the WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.

export FLASK_APP=flask_prog
export FLASK_ENV=development
flask run
Running Python application
Running Python application

To verify the application working, navigate to the browser and hit or<any-username>

Checking flask app
Checking flask app
Checking the user login screen
Checking the user login screen

Rendering templates or html page using flask render_template

One of the coolest features of Python is to use of templates. Templates are files containing static data and placeholders for dynamic data. A template is rendered with specific data to produce a final document. Flask uses the Jinja template library to render templates. Let’s dive in.

Assuming you are still on code editor.

  • Create one folder named templates and under that, create another file hello.html and paste the below content.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Hello Welcome</title>
{% if name %}
<h1>Hello {{name}} , Welcome </h1>
{% else %}
<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
{% endif %}
  • Create one more file and name under the Flask folder and paste the below content.
from flask import Flask
from flask import render_template
from flask import request

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello(name=None):
    return render_template('hello.html', name=name)

if __name__ =='__main__':
  • Now, you should have a folder structure something like the below.
tree structure of flask application
the tree structure of flask application
  • Finally, execute the flask program by running the Python command on the visual studio terminal, as shown below.
Running flask application and generating GET and POST requests
Running flask application and generating GET and POST requests
  • Navigate to the browser and open and<name> and you should see the output below.
checking the app locally on /hello URL
checking the app locally on /hello URL
checking the app locally on /hello/username URL
checking the app locally on /hello/username URL

Rendering templates and redirecting html page using flask render_template

Web applications use different HTTP methods when accessing URLs. By default, a route only answers to GET requests. You can use the methods argument of the route() decorator to handle different HTTP methods.

Assuming you are still on code editor:

  • Create another file code.html and paste the below content.
# This is my HTML Page

    <form action="http://localhost:5000/login" method="post">
      <p>Please Enter your name</p>
      <p><input type="text" name="automateinfra" /></p>
      <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>
Opening the HTML form
Opening the HTML form
  • Create another file and paste the below content.

from flask import Flask , redirect , url_for , request
app = Flask(__name__)

def success(name):
    return 'welcome %s' % name

@app.route('/login', methods = ['GET','POST'])
def login():
    if request.method == 'POST':
       user = request.form['automateinfra']
       return redirect(url_for('success', name = user)) 
       return "INVALID"
if __name__ == '__main__': = True)
  • Now execute the python program by running the following command.
Running the flask app
Running the flask app.
  • Simultaneously run html page (code.html) in any browser and provide the name as automateinfra
Submitting the form
Submitting the form

On browserYou will notice that when the form is submitted, it gets redirected to the Flask application and execute the success function.

Getting the same output with the specified name
Getting the same output with the specified name

flask file upload: Easy Example

You have learned how to render web pages and HTML pages by now. Now, lets us dive into the file uploading site and learn how to upload the file within a specific folder and display a file to the user. Are you interested in seeing an example of a flask file upload? If yes? Let’s dive in.

  • Create a file upload.html and paste the below content.
      <form action = "http://localhost:5000/success" method = "POST" 
         enctype = "multipart/form-data">
         <input type = "file" name = "file" />
         <input type = "submit"/>
  • Create another file and paste the below content.
from flask import *  
app = Flask(__name__)  
def upload():  
    return render_template('upload.html')  
@app.route('/success', methods = ['POST'])  
def success():  
    if request.method == 'POST':  
        f = request.files['file']   
        return render_template('success.html', name = f.filename)  
if __name__ == '__main__': = True) 
  • Now, execute the python script using the below command
Executing the flask application to upload the file
Executing the flask application to upload the file
Uploading the file in HTML form
Uploading the file in HTML form
  • Now click on Submit.
File uploaded successfully
File uploaded successfully

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This tutorial taught you what Python flask is and how to install a flask on your windows machine.

Also, you learned how to work with Python flask, such as URL binding, URL redirection and debug mode, Rendering Templates, and redirecting html page and file uploading.

So which applications are you launching next on the Python flask web framework?

How Python read json file and read text file python

In the DevOps world, you are continually parsing, searching, and changing the text and json files; why not automate them as Python read json files efficiently. Reading the Json and text file with Python is fun.

In this tutorial, you will learn how Python read json files and read text files with python with a few lines of code.

Still Interested? Let’s begin!

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Table of Content

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Read text file and Write to text file using Pathlib python
  3. Read text file python and Write to text file python Using open() python function
  4. How Python read json file and Python write json to file
  5. Conclusion


  • Python v3.6 or later installed on your local machine. This tutorial will be using Python v3.9.2 on a Windows 10 machine.
  • A code editor. Even though you can use any text editor to work with Python files. This tutorial will be using Visual Studio (VS) Code.

Read text file and Write to text file using Pathlib python

Let’s kick off this tutorial by reading and writing the text in a text file using Python. There are tons of times when you need to read the specific text from a file or the complete file, and nothing could be better than using the Pathlib python module.

Python’s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range of facilities. The library contains built-in modules (written in C) that provide access to system functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise be inaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Python that provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur in everyday programming.

Modules are simply files containing Python functions that can be imported inside another Python Program. In simple terms, module is similar to code library or a file that contains a set of functions that you want to include in your application.

Python Library ⮕ Python Modules ⮕ Python functions

Pathlib python module offers classes representing filesystem paths with semantics appropriate for different operating systems.

Enough theory! Let’s learn how to use the Pathlib Python module practically.

  • Create a Python folder in any location on your Windows machine and import the folder into the visual studio code.
  • Open your favorite code editor such as visual studio code, and open the Python folder in the visual studio that you created in the previous step.
  • Create a file named text.txt under the Python folder and add a text in it as “Hello, I am Tech Blogger.”
  • Create another file named Copy/paste the following Python script into the file and save it.

The code snippet below uses the pathlib module to open a test.txt file from a defined path, reads the content using path.read_text() function, and stores the content in the variable named cont. Also, path.write_text() the function appends the text (LOG: information technology) in the same test.txt file.

The Path.write_text() the function opens a text file in text mode, writes to text file the data and closes the file. Lastly using print() function, it prints the value of both cont and cont1.

import pathlib # Pathlib is one of the standard library of Python

# The pprint module is used to  “pretty-print” Python code which can be further used as input to the interpreter

from pprint import pprint
path = pathlib.Path("test.txt")
cont = path.read_text()
cont1 = path.write_text("LOG:information technology")

# cont1 provides the number of indexes used in the text "LOG:information technology"


  • Now, execute the program using the Python command you should see the output below. After the python code is executed, you will notice that it will read the content from file text.txt and then print it. Also, the write method overrides the content into the file and then prints the number of index of the content in the file, which is 26 [LOG: information technology]
Running the python program pathlib_module
Running the python program pathlib_module
  • Also, you should see the content in the file has been overridden from Hello I am Tech Blogger to LOG: information technology.
The Output of the python program pathlib_module
The output of the python program pathlib_module

Read text file python and Write to text file python Using open() python function.

In the previous section, you learned the first way to read and write text in text files using the pathlib python module, but there are many ways to do that, and one of the other great ways is by using the open() function. Let’s jump into it and learn.

With the open() python function, you open the text file to perform operations such as read, append data, close the file, etc.

  • Create another file named and Copy/paste the following Python script into the file and save it.

As soon as the file is opened, the below code reads the file using read() function and stores the values in the variable named content. Further, it prints the content and the length of the file’s content using print() the function and closes the file.

myfile = open('test.txt')
content =
myfile.close()   # Always close your file so that it doesnt consume memory

Let’s check out another example where mode is defined as r and w which allows you to read the content and write to append the data in the file.

The Difference between w and a mode is w overwrites the data in file and a appends the data in the file. Also, If you intend to open any binary file such as pdf use the mode as rb or wb which denotes read or write binary.

  • Create another file named and Copy/paste the following Python script into the file and save it.

The code below opens a file, reads the content using read() the function, and prints the content. Further, write the content in the file “Adding new line” using write() the function.

with open("test.txt",mode="r") as mynewfile:   
    contents2 =

with open("test.txt",mode="w") as mynewfile:  
    contents1 = mynewfile.write("Adding new Line")

How Python read json file and Python write json to file

You have learned how to work with text files with various methods in Python, but at times, you need to work with JSON files as well, and python continues to be great for working with JSON files. In this section, let’s learn how Python read json file and Python write json to files with two functions json.load() and json.dump().

JSON module helps to work with JSON files such as reading a JSON file, writing data in JSON file or appending the file, etc. json.load() the function is used to open a JSON file. json.dump() the function will add data into the JSON file.

  • Create another file named file.json, and Copy/paste the following text into the file and save it.
 "automate": 1,
 "infra": 2
  • Create another file named, copy/paste the following Python script into the file and save it.
  • The below code will perform the below steps in different parts as described below:
    • Opens and reads a JSON file using json.load() described in part 1
    • Updates the file but only in outputs, not in actual memory described in part 2
    • Finally updates the file in outputs and actual memory using json.dump() described in part 3.
import json
from pprint import pprint

# Part 1: Opening and Reading a JSON file using json.load() 

with open('file.json', 'r') as opened_file: # Opens a Json File
    policy = json.load(opened_file) 

# Part 2: Updating the file but only in outputs not in actual memory

policy['c'] = '3'  

# Part 3: Updating the file in outputs as well in actual memory using json.dump()

with open('file.json', 'w') as opened_file1:
    policy2 = json.dump(policy, opened_file1)

with open('file.json', 'r') as opened_file2: # Opens a Json File
    policy3 = json.load(opened_file2) 
Output of
Output of

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In this tutorial, you learned how to read write text within text files and JSON files. Automating with Python simplifies the tasks with few lines of code and keeps you away from silly manual errors.

With that now, you have sound knowledge of reading and writing to text files in python, so what do you plan next to read json files or text files with python?